Listed below is a table of the best pokéballs to use for catching Zygarde.We talk about E3 2016, Pokémon GO, Poké and thew new Zygarde formes! Enjoy! One is a Rock-type dog and the other is a Normal-type Koala Pokémon.Pokemon #718 in the National PokéDex, a dual-type Dragon/Ground Legendary Pokémon. See over 98 Zygarde images on Danbooru.Golden: Turning in 1 Zygarde Core and 50 Zygarde Cell along with a GoldenZygarde 50% Forme at the Research Lab. Turning in 1 Zygarde Core and 50 Zygarde Cell along with a Zygarde 50% Forme at the Research Lab.Due to being indexed as a Animal character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. Zygarde 50% Form is a character from the anime Pokemon.Niantic Announces the 2020 Holiday/Ice Type Event. Zygarde (Complete Forme) Alternate Forme. Zygarde can be summoned at a Zygarde Machine once you collect 10, 50, or 100 Zygarde Cells in a Zygarde Cube. Charge the stone by defeating 100 Dragon Type Pokemon.